Podcast Guest

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We will be in touch within a week to discuss dates for being a guest on Many Hats of Business – The Podcast.

We will publish all podcast episodes within 60 days of recording. This helps to ensure we are talking about current issues and that any offers you discuss are also current.

Whilst you don’t need to answer ALL of the fields below to be a guest on the podcast it does help us to establish compatibility prior to recording. We want to be able to publish ALL episodes we record, so the more information you are able to give at this stage the better for us all. 

We all know time is precious, so it would be a shame for either of us to waste it doing a recording that isn’t used. 

To reiterate this podcast is about the honest journey of business owners. It is designed to help others on their journey, who may not be as far along as we are. That being said, you don’t need to be a 6 or 7 figure business owner to feature. We can learn from business owners of all sizes and not everyone wants a business of that level either. 

It is a great way to widen your audience but the best way to do that is to be open and honest to build that ‘know, like and trust’ factor. 

I won’t ask you about any financials, such as turnover/profit/earnings but if it is something you are comfortable with sharing and want to disclose, you can on any relevant question. Eg, your biggest challenge could be passing 6/7 figure turnover. I am then likely to ask you to discuss why that was a challenge for example.

Thank you for your interest and I’ll look forward to chatting with you soon.


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