Unleashing Your Inner Expert with Jenna Dale

002 Unleashing Your Inner Expert

Unleashing Your Inner Expert


In this episode, we sit down with Jenna Dale to uncover the real story behind starting and growing a business. And how unleashing your inner expert helps beat imposter syndrome.

We explore the importance of finding alignment with your values and niche, emphasizing that while planning is valuable, action is paramount.

Jenna’s journey reflects the evolution that many entrepreneurs experience, as they refine their niche and clientele over time.

Discover why waiting for the “perfect moment” or “perfect plan” can hinder progress, and why embracing change and discomfort is essential for growth.

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More about Jenna Dale


Jenna Dale, is the founder of Because She Can. She’s a visibility and confidence creator in the sense of, loving to help women to really show up and stand out in the online space. And the way she does it is to delve into who they really are as the expert. To find out what it is that makes them unique, and help them create the messaging and the identity that they need to be able to show up and get noticed by their ideal clients.

For all of us, becoming visible in business is, it’s just such a hurdle really to get over. Using your Facebook profile, for example, and starting to go, Oh, okay, well, I’m going to post business stuff on my personal profile. It’s something that we all don’t like for a while, isn’t it? Visibility has been a massive part of her journey. And its why she does what she does today.

Jenna started out in a different business, as a bridal makeup artist and hid behind her business for so long because she didn’t want to be seen. She didn’t want to be visible. She actually had a really bad relationship with Facebook, and saw it as a very negative place to be.

Jenna didn’t like sharing my photos on there. If someone tagged her in a photo on Facebook, she asked them to remove it. Because she had really low self esteem, low self worth, terrible anxiety, and most of it stemmed around her appearance. Because all her life she’s been very, very aware of her weight. And always felt like it was something that made people value her less, and that’s come from a lot of her beliefs that she’s unpicked and change over the years.

So it was, definitely a massive challenge for her to show up and be visible in the online space. Because, she just wanted to be invisible. She didn’t want people to see her. But knew that when it comes to business, it becomes very apparent, very quickly that your business won’t grow if you’re not showing up and being visible.


She knows that a lot of women have very similar challenges. When it comes to being visible in the online space because of that fear of judgment, the fear of what people think. Those thoughts and those feelings that they have all stem from them, beliefs that they hold around their own self aware.

So it can be really, really challenging to, especially with Facebook personal profile. When you can create a business page, it’s quite different because you feel like you can separate that from the people that know you. But when it comes to your personal profile, it can be very scary because, you know, you’ve got people that have known you for years on there. Your family, your friends, old school friends, and you can feel like people are going to look at you and judge you and think

What the hell is she doing?

Like, why is she doing that? What does she sound like? Who does she think she is? Because we’re trying to do something, we’re trying to break the norm. And it’s a really, really scary place to be. So it’s been a huge part of her own journey. And, at the same time, she knows how liberating it is when you finally get over that challenge and you can start showing up and stop caring about what other people are thinking.

It just does just go back to forever. And, you know, it’s in how you feel about yourself.

But it is that thing of that personal growth of just, keeping going. Making yourself do the uncomfortable things because that’s where the growth comes. No one wants to feel uncomfortable. We’ve been conditioned over the years to, to seek comfort in everything in life.

We try and find convenient ways to do things. Sofas have become so much more comfortable. Beds have become so much more comfortable because that’s what we want. We want comfort. We want to make things easy for ourselves. But the truth of it is we weren’t created to live such comfortable lives.

And comfort just leads to being stagnant, really, when you think about it, if we get too comfortable, we’re not growing, we’re not going anywhere. So when it comes to building your business, nothing’s going to make you feel more uncomfortable than to grow our business. Let’s be honest with you. It’s going to throw up a hell of a lot of obstacles and challenges, it’s going to push you way out of your comfort zone.

It’s going to really test your resilience.

You’re going to have to build your confidence. There’s so many things you need to do when you’re building a business. And when you accept that with comfort comes growth. And good things, you actually end up starting looking for the discomfort. Because when you start feeling too comfortable in this stuff that you’re doing. It’s easy then to say, oh, hang on, I’m not growing here.

 No one really wants to feel stuck. And I think a lot of us in the world of entrepreneurship have probably been stuck at some point.

The only thing keeping you stuck is yourself.

So when you are going to start a business, you start realising that the only confines, the only things that are keeping you stuck is yourself. It’s the biggest challenge to get out of your mind. We all, we all struggle with that. We don’t even get any real tips for people on how to bypass yourself.

It’s like really that. What if you fix yourself? Business is quite easy. It’s a journey, a never ending journey. It’s self development and the, the best thing that you can do is just become incredibly self aware. So really start paying attention to, your thoughts. And your feelings really are the basis of it all.

Your thoughts and your feelings come from your beliefs that you’re holding. If you think our thoughts create our feelings, our feelings create our actions. And our actions create our results. If we want positive results, we need to start off with positive thoughts. And if we are holding on to beliefs and thoughts and theories and ideas that are not serving us. As in they’re not positive and they’re not going to help us reach the outcomes that we want, That’s where we need to start looking at change.


We need to shift the things that aren’t serving us. We need to change the way that we think. And it’s always a work in progress. It’s never something that you just fix. And it’s like, okay, I’m good now. I’m like, this, I’ve got this incredible great mindset and I can never get any better.

There’s always room for improvement. But, it has to start with self awareness. Start listening to the way that you’re talking to yourself. What thoughts are you having? How does that make you feel? Damn it. If you struggle to think or catch those thoughts, start looking at your behaviours, what are the habits that aren’t serving you?

What do you want to change? And then sort of work backwards. So, how is that making me feel? Doing that habit, what is triggering it? Well, it’s the feeling of, low self worth. Or it’s the feeling of lack of confidence. Or it’s the feeling of not being good enough. Okay, well, where is that coming from?

What, what’s the thought behind that? Well, it’s the thought that, I haven’t got what it takes, or I’m too old, or I’m too young, or I’m too fat, or I’m too slim, or I’m too this, I’m too that. That’s where it normally comes from, the belief that we’re holding about ourselves that we’ve probably picked up from someone else when we’re much, much younger.

That is keeping us in those same repetitive thoughts and repetitive behaviours, which gets those same outcomes that we don’t want.


Unleashing Your Inner Expert is where Jenna’s passion lies.


She loves to  help them see actually what, what are they really capable of? Help them see beyond the limits that they’ve imposed on themselves. Help them dig deeper into who they really are and what it is that makes them unique.

She loves to really make them stand out and get noticed by their ideal clients. So that they’re paying attention to them, so that they’re stopping mid scroll when they’re seeing their content and they’re engaging in their stories. Or they’re clicking on their links to the office because they’re the person that they want to work with. They’re the go to expert that their ideal clients want to work with.

So it a complete identity shift in allowing women to see how incredible they are, see what makes them the experts, helping them create the messaging that’s going to help them to stand out and get noticed by the wider clients. And ultimately, step into that identity of, I’m the Expert, I know that I can help you and this is why you should work with me.

With that incredible confidence, people want to see in the experts that they’re going to work with. They want to feel their energy, and that’s what it’s all about.


Comparisonitis is a big thing.

And what I always find is people will never compare themselves with someone at the same point in the same journey. Also, no journey is exactly the same either. And it’s interesting because if someone looks at your pictures now, they’d be like, Oh, wow. You know, she’s really confident.

She’s really bossing it. And like that. narrative you’re putting out in all your messaging and all of that. But, you know, people listening to this now, they can see that you didn’t just wake up like that one day and you didn’t start business like that. You know, you’ve worked bloody hard at that every day to be able to own that.

Jenna says:

I believe business can be simple, business should be simple.

But it’s not easy, by any means. Anyone that’s telling you that business is really easy, that hitting six figures is really easy, that hitting a million pounds is really easy, is lying. I’ll stand by that. They’re, they’re lying.


And she also says:

I understand that coaching is a beautiful industry. There are so many people that I get to meet that are, that are here just to make a real change, to make an impact and to help other people. You know, proper purpose led business owners, and that’s who I love to work with.


Further discussion points:

  • Difference between coaching and mentoring.
  • The need to be held accountable in business.
  • Noise of the online space.
  • The amount of different topics you need to learn about in business.
  • Successful outsourcing.
  • The amount of time we spend in business not doing the thing we are in business to do.
  • Pyramid scheme cycle effect in coaching.
  • The important of due diligence.
  • Being around people who are in the same boat as you.
  • Winging it and planning in business.
  • Mindset matters.
  • Evolution in business.


Book recommendation:

Steven Bartlett – Diary of CEO


Where can you find Jenna and learn about unleashing your inner expert?


The Visibility Connection Club. A beautiful community there of women who just love to support one another. Again, it’s very values led.

Facebook @jennalouisecoaching


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